Episode 161 - Moana 2
Philip, Lara, Jodi, and Bridget discuss the new Disney animated sequel, Moana 2. Moana returns to screens after eight years since the original. Set a number of years after the first film, the heroine has embraced her role as a wayfinder and is searching for other inhabited islands in an attempt to establish contact with the outside world. After receiving a vision from her ancestors, Moana sets out to an island that once served as the hub of her civilization. There are dark spirits and frightening creatures standing in her way, so it is bound to be a perilous voyage, posing tremendous risk to Moana and her newly formed crew. Follow @thawedcast on Twitter and Instagram. Email: genresavvypodcast@gmail.com. Find us: @philipehlke, @bridget5246, @jodipolasky47, @partoflarasworld
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